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Michigan MIP Dismissals
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Delayed Sentence
Another option is for a client to have a “delayed sentence”. This means that the student pleads guilty to the original charge and it is on their record for a short period of time. The judge will agree to delay the sentencing of the individual for three or six months to give the student an opportunity to show why they are worthy of a dismissal. If all the terms of the agreement are met at the end of the delay, they can receive a dismissal or a reduction of the charges to a civil infraction that does not result in a criminal record. This must be accomplished through what is called a “Cobbs Plea” in Michigan, and is simply an agreement between the sentencing judge and the student before they enter their guilty plea. If the judge follows the agreement, the sentence promised is imposed. If the judge finds that he or she cannot follow the agreement, either because there is a prior record or an aspect of the case that they find complicates the issue, the student can withdraw their plea and continue to trial without the plea being used against them.HYTA – Another First Time Offender Program
There are other methods to obtain a dismissal of a charge, including one that is available in Michigan called the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act or “HYTA”. You should check with your local court or attorney as to whether or not there are other programs available in that state for first time offenders. Even if a student has used up their diversion program dismissal, some courts will allow the student to plead guilty under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act in order to give them one more chance at a clean record. This is usually in response to a more serious crime than MIP, typically resisting and obstructing a police officer, or driving while their license is suspended. However, I know of students treated under the HYTA after they have had a prior MIP dismissed under a diversion program. This is another form of first offender program that allows a minor under 21 to plead guilty to a charge, successfully complete a rigorous term of probation, and have the case dismissed by the court after probation is completed. This is rare, but it is something for the student’s attorney to consider based on the jurisdiction. Call 1-616-502-1646 for a Free MIP ConsultationBlog
MIP Conviction No Big Deal?…Try Losing a $70,000 a Year Job!
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MIP Convictions Beware…You Can Still Only Expunge ONE Conviction
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821 West Savidge St. Spring Lake, MI 49456